Field | Type | Optional | Description |
instructionId | text, unique (max 64 chars) | yes | Your unique identification string. Can be used to match the refund with data in client’s data stores. Also used to prevent duplicated refunds - see below. |
amount | number (0.01 - 9999999999) | no | Amount to be refunded |
currency | text, valid currency (min/max 3 chars) | no | Currency of the payment. Must be a valid currency code, e.g. EUR, CZK, PLN. |
recipientIban | text, valid iban (max 50 chars) | yes | IBAN account number of customer. Money will be refunded to this account. Can be also specified after the refund is initiated. |
senderBankId | text, valid bank identifier in Everifin | no | ID of your’s bank, from which the money will be sent |
senderIban | text, valid iban (max 50 chars) | yes | IBAN of sender's bank account |
variableSymbol | numeric text (max 10 chars) | yes | Symbol for SK/CZ market. Cannot be combined with reference. |
constantSymbol | numeric text (max 10 chars) | yes | Symbol for SK/CZ market. Cannot be combined with reference. |
specificSymbol | numeric text (max 4 chars) | yes | Symbol for SK/CZ market. Cannot be combined with reference. |
reference | text (max 35 chars) | yes | Payment reference. Cannot be combined with symbols. |
redirectUrl | text (max 5000 chars) | no | Redirect URL back to your system. This redirect URL has to be whitelisted in Everifin Paygate. It must be string satisfying URL rules. E.g. hostname must contain at least one dot (for local development URL like this can be used: http://yourapp.local/xyz). Custom query parameters are accepted. |
paymentMessage | text (max 140 chars) | yes | Message to your customer. This message will be visible in his bank transaction as description of the transfer. |
recipientName | text (max 140 chars) | yes | Name of your customer. This name will appear in your’s bank transaction as recipient of the money. |
userLocale | language code | yes | If you want to force Everifin Paygate UI language for your customer, use this property. List of supported languages: 'en', 'sk', 'cs' (it is being extended continuously) . If not defined, browser language will be applied. |
reason | text (max 255 chars) | yes | Text describing the reason why the customer was refunded |