Status | Final | Withdrawable | Description |
CREATED | no | yes | Payment is created and waiting for the user. |
SEEN | no | yes | User opens the Everifin Paygate web page or processing via Process Order endpoint is started. |
PROCESSING | no | no | The payment is being processed (user is authorizing payment on bank`s page or authorization is done and payment is being processed in the bank). |
CONFIRMED | yes | no | The payment has been successfully authorized in the bank by the payer. |
BOOKED | yes | no | The payment has been booked (settled) in the bank. |
WITHDRAWN | yes | no | The payment has been withdrawn by merchant. |
FAILED | yes | no | Payment has failed. Field |
EXPIRED | yes | no | Payments that stay in CREATED or SEEN for a long time are eventually moved to this state. |
PROCESSING_EXPIRED | yes | no | The payment is being processed, but we are unable to retrieve its status from the bank, because access granted by the payer has expired. |
Following diagram ilustrates possible transitions between payment states:
Payment status flow chart