From your PrestaShop administration, go to Module Manager.
Find the Everifin module and click 'Configure'.
Fill in the following fields:
Environment: Set this field to value Production if not specified otherwise by Everifin representative.
Both testing and production access for our clients are being set up in our Production environment. Staging environment is used by clients only in special occasions - e.g. testing new custom development).Client ID: Enter your Everifin Client ID here (value provided by Everifin)
Client Secret: Enter your Everifin Client Secret here (value provided by Everifin)
Default Bank Account: Enter your default bank account here. This account will be used if no other account is specified for a particular currency.
IP address whitelist: (Optional) This configuration is useful for live testing. By entering an IP address here you are able to restrict the payment method to be available only when accessing the e-shop web pages from provided IP address.
Bank account per currency: Enter a bank account for each currency used in your shop (use string without spaces). If you don't specify an account for a certain currency, the default account will be used.
Click 'Save' to save your changes.