Field name | Mandatory | Format | Description |
paymentId | only for payments | UUID v4 | ID of a payment in Everifin Paygate. One of paymentId/refundId is always specified. |
refundId | only for refunds | UUID v4 | ID of a refund in Everifin Paygate, in case the entity is a refund payment. One of paymentId/refundId is always specified. |
orderId | no | UUID v4 | If API v2 is used, orderId is specified. |
instructionId | no | UUID v4 | InstructionId of a payment/refund, if specified by client during payment/refund creation. |
externalId | no | UUID v4 | ExternalId of an order, if specified by client during order creation. |
status | depends on hook type | string | For statusChange hooks, status specifies the new entity status. For possible values of Payment statuses, see https://everifin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EPAD/pages/2467561491/Paygate+Payment+Flow#Payment-statuses For possible values of Order statuses, see https://everifin.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EPAD/pages/2467561491/Paygate+Payment+Flow#Order-statuses |
hookData | no | JSON | Custom hookData specified by client during payment/order entity creation (via API). HookData object is always sent with hooks related to given entity. |