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  • Client service account - the service account generated by Everifin and dedicated to specific client; It is required to access identity provider’s authentication API

  • Everifin Multibanking user account - user account in Everifin representing particular bank account(s) owner; It can be physical person or representative of some business entity (it can be your customer or you in case you need to access your own bank accounts); This user will connect bank account(s) to Everifin system; Consequently, the Everifin services related to these bank accounts can be accessed via API by using this user’s access token (obtained after successful login).


  • your_realm_value

  • client_id

  • client_secret

  • scope



Multibanking user account and its connection to your system

When your customer decides to use bank account(s) data in your system the following steps are required:

  1. Everifin Multibanking user account registration - The person/company needs to create a user account


  1. in Everifin Multibanking web application. Please, instruct your customer to go to web app URL to do so (you may provide clickable link or button in you SW). The user registration process is described in detail here: Everifin User Registration

  2. Bank Account(s) connection - The person/company needs to connect the bank account(s) in Everifin Multibanking web application. This process is described in detail here: Connecting Bank Account

  3. Connecting Everifin Multibanking user account to your system - The connection between the two systems is arranged by Oauth authorization code flow initiated by your system against our identity provider (Authentication ). The details of the connection process are described further below ( )

After these steps are completed, your system is able to use API and get bank account data of your customer.

Identity provider host-name


Host-name wildcard

Testing environment

Production environment



Connecting Everifin user account to your system


More details on authentication API can be found here: Authentication

  1. Redirect your customer to {{everifin_idp_url}}/auth/realms/{{your_realm_value}}/protocol/openid-connect/auth/?client_id={{your_client_id}}&&redirect_uri={{client_redirect_uri}}&response_type=code&scope={{scope}}

  2. Now the user can register login (or re-login in case the access token expired). The user registration process is described here: Everifin User RegistrationAfter successful email verification (part of the user registration process) the user the connection has been already established and it only needs to be renewed after the token has expired) and give consent to access the bank account data.

  3. Then the user is redirected back to your URL (specified in redirect_uri query parameter in step #1). The authorization code is provided in code query parameter.

  4. This code needs to be provided Use the code value as input parameter in the request to token endpoint in order to obtain the access token and refresh token: Token Request . The obtained access token should be stored in your system as it needs to be provided in authorization header in every API request accessing Everifin services (for details follow the API documentation:

  5. After this you can redirect the user to log in page of the Everifin Application where she/he can connect the bank accounts (Connecting Bank Account):
    - Staging app URL: Everifin App - Stage
    - Production app URL: Everifin App - PRODOnce the bank accounts are successfully connected under Everifin user account and the user comes back to your application, you can obtain your system can access Everifin BankConnect API to get bank account(s) data of your customer.


In case the access token expires, you can use refresh token endpoint to refresh it: Refresh Token Request.

When the refresh token expires, you need to redirect your customer to same page as in the step 1. This way you obtain new access token and long-lasting refresh token.


In case of test environment, you are welcome to create as many test users as you need