4xx client errors, error seems to have been caused by the client
5xx server errors, server is aware that it has encountered an error or is otherwise incapable of performing the request. This usually means that the issue is on our end. Please Contact Us if you encounter a 5xx error.
Request specific error responses are defined in Postman documentation with examples for each API.
Error response schema (body)
400 - bad request
Code Block |
<title>400 Bad Request</title>
<h1>400 Bad Request</h1>
</html> |
422 - Validation error
Code Block |
{ "meta": { "status": "ERROR" }, "errors": [ { "code": "REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERROR", "title": "Invalid Query Parameter body / headers / query", "detail": "\"account_types\" is not allowed" { }, "rule": "enum", { "codefield": "REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERRORdirection", "titlemessage": "Invalid Query Parameter",enum validation failed on direction", "detailargs": "\"login_type\" is not allowed"{ "choices": [ "IN", "OUT" ] } }, ...} ] } |
404 - Not found
URL Not Found
Code Block |
{ "errors": [ { "code": "NOT_FOUND", "title": "URL not found", "detail": "Invalid URL path: /api/v1/ef/banking/bankssbank-accountsrz" } ], "meta": { "status": "ERROR" } } |
Code Block |
{ "type": "bank-login-url", "status": "ERROR", "errors": [ { "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "title": "Internal server problem." } ] } |
Error codes
Error code | Area | Description |
REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERROR | All | Wrong value or format used in the request body |
DATA_NOT_FOUND | All | Requested entity has not been found. |
NOT_FOUND | All | URL used in request not found |
INPUT_DATA_ERROR | All | If wrong data provided in request (e.g. in query params or body) |
NOT_AUTHORIZED | All | User is not authorized. |
INVALID_AUTH_HEADER | All | Invalid authorization header used in request. |
INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN | All | invalid access token used in reuqest. |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | All | Internal system problem. |
INVALID_SCOPE | All | If endpoint used is not available in the scope requested during authentication. |
TRANSACTION_REFRESH_ERROR | Bank Accounts API | Problem during transactions refresh (can appear when ad-hoc transactions refresh endpoint called) |
ACCOUNT_REFRESH_ALREADY_RUNNING | Bank Accounts API | There is already transactions refresh running for requested bank account. |
NOT_EDITABLE | Payments API | Entity is not editable. It can appear when calling PATCH endpoint on payment which cannot be updated anymore. |
PAYMENT_REJECTED | Payments API | Payment has been rejected by bank. |