Paygate Error Codes
Code | HTTP status | Description |
INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN | 401 | Provided access token is unknown or invalid (e.g. expired). |
NOT_AUTHORIZED | 401 | Provided client id or client secret is not correct. |
INVALID_AUTH_HEADER | 401 | Provided Authorization HTTP header is not valid. |
UNKNOWN_BANK_ACCOUNT | 400 | Provided IBAN is not registered for the client. |
UNSUPPORTED_BANK | 400 | Provided bank id is unknown. |
PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND | 400 | Payment with provided id was not found. |
PAYMENT_FAILED | 400 | Payment process has failed. |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 500 | Unexpected error on payment gate. |
SYMBOLS_WITH_REFERENCE_NOT_ALLOWED | 400 | Payment initialization contains both symbols and reference. |
REDIRECT_URL_NOT_ALLOWED | 400 | Provided redirect url is not registred for the client. |
PAYMENT_ALREADY_PROCESSED | 400 | Payment with provided instruction id already exists and was finished (successfully or with error) |
PAYMENT_CANCELLED | 200 | Payment process has been cancelled by user. |
REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERROR | 400 | Something is missing or invalid in request header or body. |
MISSING_SENDER_IBAN | 400 | Payment is in state where it requires payer IBAN, but it was not provided. |
INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT | 400 | Payer does not have sufficient balance for the payment (this information is not provided by all banks) |
REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERROR | 422 | Data validation error. Detail field contains the description of the problem in the input data. |