HTTP requests

API host-name

The following table provides the values for API host-name in testing and production environments.

Host-name wildcard

Testing environment

Production environment

Host-name wildcard

Testing environment

Production environment


URL Namespace

All APIs are accessible over HTTPS, the base URL for all API requests is {{everifin_api_url}}/{{api_version}}

The api_version is currently v1.

Any values enclosed with double curly braces {{...}}, e.g. {{everifin_api_url}}, should be replaced by values specific to your case, or specified in the documentation.

All API requests must use HTTPS scheme, any non-secure (HTTP) requests return a (HTTP 301) redirect to a HTTPS equivalent of the original request URL.

HTTP request methods

As per RESTful design patterns, our API implements the following HTTP request methods:

  • GET - used for retrieveing objects

  • POST - Used for creating objects

  • PUT - Used for replacing objects or collections

  • DELETE - Used for deleting objects

Media types

The API currently only supports JSON as an exchange format. Be sure to set both the Content-Type and Accept headers for every request as application/json.

All Date objects are returned in ISO 8601 format:


Client request context

Everifin will derive client request context directly from the HTTP request headers. These headers are then forwarded as client information to bank APIs (usually used for AML, security and logging purposes).

User Agent

User agent header should be present in all requests. This should be the User Agent of the actual end user (client of the bank) using your application, whenever possible.

IP address

client-ip-address header should be present in all requests. This should be the IP Address of the actual end user (client of the bank) using your application, whenever possible.


All requests on success will return a 200 status if there is content to return or a 204 status if there is no content to return.

All requests that result in an error will return the appropriate 4xx or 5xx error code with a custom JSON error object:

  • code: A code that is associated with this error type

  • title: A more detailed explanation of the error

  • detail: A natural language explanation of the error

  • meta: A meta object that contains non-standard meta-information.

{ "errors": [ { "code": "DATA_NOT_FOUND", "title": "Data not found.", "detail": "Account CZ12080000000002594591015 not found in user profile." } ], "meta": { "status": "ERROR" } }

See Errors , and API Postman documentation with examples for a list of API error codes and more details.


Requests that return a list of objects may support pagination. Pagination is based on a page number or on cursor. The cursor is readable by the client (it is a Date object) and specified in updatedFrom query parameter. You can also set a custom page size with the countPerPage parameter.






When used, transactions downloaded to Everifin at and after this date/time will be returned. Query parameters 'dateFrom' and 'dateTo' are not taken into account if this parameter is used.


This is the number of individual objects that are returned in each page. (default: 15)


This is the number of page that will be returned, (starting with: 1)


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