Everifin multibanking API is an open banking platform offering access to bank accounts through a unified interface. Using our API connects you to banks in whole EU. To get the most up-to-date list of supported banks, please contact us.
Integration flow
Following diagram shows the integration process flow. Each step is described in separate chapter in this documentation.
Integration options
There are 2 options how to integrate Everifin API, you can choose which one fits better your needs.
FULL API integration
In this case you need to implement whole Everifin API flows. This makes the implementation more complex, but everything is done in your application.
There is one exception - user login must be done on Everifin login page.
HYBRID integration
In this case you implement only some API calls and the rest is done on Everifin site. Hybrid integration makes the implementation much more simple. Example: user onboarding and adding bank accounts is done in Everifin and you use only transaction API to get bank account transactions.