After the successful bank login in order to access the account data (details, balances, transactions, payments), accounts need to be fetched from the bank and activated in Everifin.
Accounts Fetch
The list of accounts the bank provides after the successful bank login can be obtained using the endpoint described here: Get Bank Accounts
Accounts Activation
The Accounts chosen for further access/usage need to be activated using the endpoint described here: Bank Accounts Activation.
After the successful activation the account data can be accessed using further endpoints described here: Bank Accounts Endpoints
Accessing Transactions Data
The following endpoints needs to be used in order to access the transaction data.
Transaction refresh
Transactions are refresh periodically in following pattern:
user is online - transactions are refreshed every minute
user is offline - transactions are refreshed 4 times during work hours
Transaction refresh can be triggered manually by calling a dedicated endpoint. This endpoint initiates the download of the transaction data from the bank to Everifin for all user’s connected active bank accounts. Downloaded and stored transactions can be then accessed using further endpoints.
If there are freshly connected and activated accounts, for these the execution of the endpoint initiates download of the transaction history (since 36 months ago).
Any following endpoint execution downloads only the new transactions (since last downloaded).
Detailed endpoint description can be found here: Transaction Refresh Endpoint
Get Transaction List
Transaction list for specific bank account can be obtained using the endpoint described in detail here: Bank Account Transactions
Get Transaction Detail
The detail for particular transaction can be obtained using this endpoint described here: Get Transaction Detail.